Smell the Glove
Nedra from Crafty Girlie blog has laid the challenge to Sean at Ojingo blog. For one month they have to post regularly (by regular I don’t mean on a monthly basis!), and the loser must treat the other to either the dessert (blech) or 6-pack (yay! my favorite currency!) of the winner’s choice. So who will it be, mild-mannered Nedra, crafty lady, webgeek, or Sean, visitor of foreign lands, wild-eyed and frothy from adventures in the far East?
pie hole shutting time
wow, via TBOGG, some guy (World ‘o Crap) lays the smackdown on some other guy’s (Dennis Prager) twiddling sexist, racist, imbecilic rationale regarding why women might vote some way or another as regards weddedness. Entertaining reading the dismantling of this fallacious right-wing spew.
Science Fair
Portland is finding itself on the map for science fairs. Youth Exploring Science is hosting Intel’s big-ole international jr. geekfest. This is way cool news for Portland. props N.
Kangaroo Hero
This is a sweet little tale of love, mischief, commitment, and kangaroo. Certainly a nive way to start the week.
Where’s your Shock and Awe now?
This depressing little tale of a soldier’s disillusionment with the war in Iraq is a pretty good read. I hadn’t heard the words Shock and Awe in quite awhile. That’s probably for a few reasons. When you’re busily rewriting history so that your atrocious war is a humanitarian effort rather than an anti-terrorist homeland security activity, shock and awe doesn’t mix well with humanitarian. It also continues with this administration’s never look back (except in the case of 9/11) policy–who needs 20/20 hindsight when you’ve blacked out the rear window?
Hotties on Parade
Kudos to the Organizers of Portland’s ‘First Fashion Week.’ I was just down at Pioneer Square and caught some of the show, it looked well done and stayed fun. It has been going on all week, but I’m not sure if it’ll be at the Square tomorrow or a big one at the museum. Anyway, everyone looked great, the designers made some cool garb, and I ate a yummy burrito. Go team.
Bumper Sticker Philosophy
I like bumper stickers. Some say some very witty things, some are wise, and some just piss me off. There are two that have bugged me for a long time, and I think I’ve finally gotten it. You see, while I like bumper stickers, I don’t necessarily approve of the pithy sayings on them just because they’re catchy…I like to apply a bit of critical thought to them. The first, ‘Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they’re open,’ is a load of hoohaa to me.
letter scramble
via Slashdot via DJ Alden Aslett (and probably 100000 others), letters in words can be scrambled and still read. Just keep the first and last intact. friggin amazing, check out a link. I’m going to have to give some thought as to what this means.
Notes on Tunes
Music is pretty cool stuff, it appeals to something deeper, which I imagine is why it is so pervasive around the world, and through time. You don’t need language for music, and music can be a language, it can be so much, so deep, so affecting. People have their songs, and some take them back to other times, or put them in different moods. Scenes have soundtracks, just like movies. It is pretty amazing the effects of music.