freeze-dried blood
Check out this post over at zeros and ones. Pretty freaky implications about cross-species blood transfusions. Someday, you may receive a blood supplement that was derived from an anteater.
Alright, I’m now pretty convinced that PUD is where it’s at. I’ve been leaning yes but wanted to catch some opinions and maybe a fact or two in the haze. Here’s my take: power companies are greedy, and want to monopolize. The government handling utilities may not be perfect, but as long as we need to pay for them, there’s probably not a lot of better ways to do it. PUD will honor existing contracts/employment, though with caveats I’m sure.
meat product
Does anyone have any idea what the heck is up with all these spams that have zero intelligible content, in any language for all I can tell. Spam me, that sucks, but now you’re just wasting. I suppose at least they’re not sending l3wd pictures to children. I hate all spammers.
Splitting hairs
An interesting article on the widely varied conditions of two schools in Iraq. I think that what we learn from this is a reminder of the liberal stance from the VERY BEGINNING of this fiasco. And this is something that is being twisted once again by the lying Bush administration. That we wanted the war to go through the proper channels. Or not at all. But the mad rush, the insanely driven mad rush to shove this war down everyone’s throats using FALSE evidence (which was considered suspect from the first…so don’t act innocent and blame bad intelligence, if I was suspicious, you HAVE to be!
new find
A new Oregon blogger find…he’s into law (are they all?), has an incomprehensible view on Sirius radio, and might be a Newcastle FC fan. Sounds like fun. Hi dicta.
dignity village
I hear that Dignity Village submitted a proposal to the city of Portland today regarding a 10-year extension to whatever they already had. I heard this on the Victor Bach show, one of the most appalling pieces of talk radio I know. However, this is one of the very few issues on which I’ve had some agreement with Victor Bach…something which a say with a sense of shame after hearing his disgusting abortion stance yesterday.
Haven’t gotten any research done (though check out Jack Bog and Portland Communique, but browsing Pacific Power propaganda, one thing reached out to me and stuck a thought in my brain: I’d pay an extra $.007/kwh to have my power company be called Surprise Valley Electrification.
PUD power
alright, I’m really not sure which way to go on the upcoming ballot measures to introduce public power. On one hand, I really like the idea of PUD, it seems reasonable, efficient and less corruptible. Also, I’m pretty happy with Pacific Power. Service is good, I can buy wind power, and I’m not aware of the ole’ Enron baggage. I need to do a bit of investigation on this, but I’d love to hear others’s opinions on this touchy subject.
Beer Drinker and World Domination
In a follow-up to this post, I checked out my googlation for ‘beer drinker’ and actually came up on the first page. Inspired and blindly hopeful, I changed the title of my blog from the inspired ‘’ to the functional ‘ is a beer drinker’. Everybody, stay calm. cheers.