Email campaign: Up is Down

Sent: 10/15/2008

Okay, I just can’t resist commenting on this, because it is such an absolutely clear illustration of Sarah Palin and her in-your-face lies.

Sarah said:

“The report that came out also was very clear in that there was no unethical or unlawful behavior on my part,” Palin told a local CBS affiliate in Pittsburgh, adding, “No abuse of power there at all.”

Actually she said things like that multiple times. Maybe she believes it?

The VERY FIRST LINE of the findings (what comes immediately after the technical who we talked to blah blah) reads verbatim:

Finding Number One

For the reasons explained in section IV of this report, I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.

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