Rick’s busy day

A lot of playing today, after a Saturday workday. Played an indoor [soccer] game last night, and went out for a few beers after…turned out to be a buddy’s bday so my plans to get to bed early (before midnite) were thwarted. Crashed around one, so not too bad except I’ve been fighting a cold and had to get up at 6:30am to go skiing (two planks). The other mountain warriors arrived 7ish, and we cruised up to the mountain…an uneventful drive, and smooth! The day was awesome, the snow decent, the weather fabulous, we used both sides of the mountain, and had a great time.

I had maybe my best fall ever. Flying down Memorial Bowl, carving nicely, I crossed up and laid it out, trying to get back on my feet I lost a ski, then the other. Not sure how far I fell, but I slid for quite awhile, got some ice rash on my back that left a bit of blood on my shirt, until I was finally able to dig the boots in and arrest my fall. A kid was nice enough to kick my ski down to me. Later in the run, after the long chute you have to travel to get to the Heather lift, some kid looked at me — “that was awesome!” I’d do it again, and probably will.

We got off the mountain early and cruised some hotwings at Fire on the Mountain. Always a good time, and tasty good wings. Then we went back to my house, everyone parted ways and I threw on my soccer uniform for my first game with the Sandy Hut team. We lost, but I was pleased that I could actually still run after skiing. It was a fun game, and we put it together alright in the second half. Clutter count was zero! Postgame, we zipped over to our sponsor’s, the Sandy Hut and had a few pints of fine ale.

After a long day, I trudged home, sat in front of the computer and got some work (as in employment) done. It wasn’t too fruitful, but that’s what Mondays are for. For missing nearly a full day of the weekend, I felt like I did a pretty decent job of it.

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