Yesterday was a Good Day

Walking into work, there was a light drizzle. A beautiful Portland-style rain, not the binge and purge that we’ve been having this season. I smiled, and loved it, with the water matting my hair. Things went well, I accomplished a lot, and I had a general sense of well-being, even through the mild headache I had briefly. After work I cruised over to SE to coach the kiddies in soccer. It started at 5, so I was late, but not too late. We had fun, and the kids were happy and responsive, and I think they learned some soccer. The rain came down and my feet got wet. When practice was over I got in the car and took off my shoes, allowing the heat to blow over them. At home, I changed into my game gear and prepared for the last game of the season (that season, Green Room Men’s indoor team), and N and I cruised over to the field. We were playing for third place (a couple bad games dropped us from the top seed) and faced a team we’d beaten before. The game went well, challenging at times, but we got the best of them. I had my first goal of the season with about 2 seconds left, it felt so good. And N was not just there to see it, but actually saw it too! We then went to a coupla pubs for beer and food. First the Speakeasy but with their flaky hours they’d closed the kitchen already, so we went to the Rose and Raindrop. Times were good, food was good, drink was good. After a spell N and I cruised over to Rimsky’s for some delicious dessert and saw her buddy S working there, so we all chatted and went to a place I’d never seen nor heard of, The Dunes, on MLK. It was a funky place, small, with DJs spinning discs, and people sitting at small tables. It had a very ‘hip’ atmosphere. There I had New Belgium’s Lambic brew, which had a strong hint (a clue?) of cherry, and a sparkling body. A sweet, fresh aroma filled the wine glass I sipped it from. There was a definite sweetness in the beer, but not such that it coated the tongue and left a residue, instead it the flavor trailed behind, leaving me ready for another swallow. We cruised home where I had a tortilla with tahini and habanero jelly, and fell asleep on the couch. Good times were had by all.

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