Enjoy the Play

I’ve found that I pretty much enjoy the classic plays best when I know what’s going to happen already, and am able to ride the elegantly structured language to the conclusion. Yesterday I listened to Victor Balk on Portland’s 860. His show was entirely about a question asked of John Kerry, “Do you believe God is on the United State’s side?” The answer, I never heard from Kerry’s mouth, merely Vic’s weasle-like paraphrasing, so I won’t comment on it now. If he’d answered in the affirmative, he basically give the nod to all the prezzo is doing (with the emphatic yes he couldn’t do anything but say), but obviously a no says the Kerry believes America to be a bunch of heathens. The question is so loaded, such an obvious trap. It is the focus on this question that unfolds the Republican plan to get prezzo to retain his office. Divide the country on religion. Entirely, sharply, and decisively. Expanding upon the “with us or against us” principle, they’re now espousing that you’re either “with us or against God”. This is disgusting, appalling, and ironic in ways not appreciated since the Crusades. By driving a wedge with the heinous gay marriage Constitutional Amendment, they are bringing to life a fundamentalist wet dream, dragging the water for prayer in school, the commandments, church and state separation, righteousness. This is going to get ugly. The uniter is truly dividing as firmly as he is able.

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