overseas tech and stuff

via Slashdot, Yahoo has an article reporting about companies moving jobs overseas. This is nothing new. It is scary though. As executives demand higher and higher salaries, those on the bottom get axed and replaced by cheap foreign labor. This is a scary trend that needs to be regulated. The lobbyist arguments that the problem is that tech workers are not willing to work for the low wages, and that makes moving the jobs overseas okay is simply not valid. These companies have been built on American backs serving American consumers. They exist and thrive at an American scale. Moving the jobs away (manufacturing, tech, support, whatever) is simply chopping off your legs. It’s a disservice to the country, and it’s dishonest. The process needs to be halted. Not phased out. Not analyzed. Halted. And the companies that have moved their base overseas need incentives to move back. And I don’t mean free monet. If you’re an American company, hire Americans when you do American business. It’s fine by me if you have techs in India build computers to sell to people in India. But keep the scale.

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