Bridgeport Ebenezer
Deeply amber-hued, Bridgeport’s Ebenezer is a smooth ale to swallow, which is nice considering it’s 6.8% abv. Possessing an almost smoky bitterness to it, the flavor is complex, with hints of a number of spices subtly flavoring this beer, and leaving a pleasant spicy aftertaste that moves around the tongue and leaves my mouth seeking another sip. The lightly hopped, sweet aroma is not forward about the tastes it precedes, but hangs around to complement the flavors nicely. I know that the brewery has Ebenzer on cask right now, and while not having sampled it in that manner I’d guess that that is the best way to do it. As the carbonation is light already, the smooth product of the cask I imagine to be exemplified by Ebenezer as another ‘right way’ to enjoy it apart from Guiness (did that make any sense?). However, do not allow me to lead you astray, this ale is fine by the bottle, poured into a nice German drinking glass, enjoyed alone or with friends. In fact, I’ll shortly be setting a few more to chill in my refrigerator for the guests I’m expecting. This may be the last time you hear from me until after the Christmas holiday, so I’m happy that I can leave you on such a high recommendation as this. Please, rush out and purchase a six-pack of Ebenezer, you will not be dissapointed…this one has earned a place next to the Jubel on my holiday beverage list.