Not Directions

A typical Pearl District interaction.

(Choose scenario:)

  1. me sitting on sidewalk eating burrito
    • me walking with friends/coworkers to bar or from burrito run
      • me wandering aimlessly avoiding work, often with coworker

r, driven by one person, or a delivery truck driven by two. They slow down, seeing harmless streetpeople (walkers), smile broad, and chime, “Excuse me, could you tell me how to find…

  1. …this place twelve feet from here.”
    • …the pub.”
      • …the other side of town”

ly give directions. This really happens a lot. However, yesterday, I’m caught in scenario 2 (just me), reading a [

Our Media Not Theirs]1 with a burrito-filled tummy, and stopping to let a volvo-lady pass (I had the stop sign), she slowed, and smiled. I started constructing my mental map of Portland when she said, “Now what is it you’re reading that is so interesting?”

Well, shiver me timbers, what a nice surprise. The map of Portland had purged my brain of any other knowledge so I gazed at the front cover and stammered the name, pointing to it. Anyway, great book, hopefully she picked it up.

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