Monkey Wrench Iraq

Setting aside the undisputable fact that President Bush and his supporters are the leading experts on Iraq’s military positioning and nucular programmes, this article suggests that perhaps the inspections are maybe possibly worthwhile enough to continue considering an increase in compliance from Iraq. It also makes the controversial point that Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction aren’t really a threat to us. Alright, that’s most likely true, but they fund terrorists and harbor them.

Also interesting is the recently awarded contract for the gentrification of Iraq to Cheney’s old company’s subsidiary Kellog Brown and root.

The shiftyness of this is pretty astounding. The American oil barons have so much to gain from this. The single-minded push towards war is indicative of hidden motivations, particularly in light of world opposition, Iraqi (attempts towards) compliance, and domestic opposition. Coupled with the immense number of links between the power elite and the powerful elite, it really is necessary to take a step back.

War is not the only solution here. How can Bush in clear conscience send tens of thousands of Americans, British, and Iraqis to war when with the wave of his hand and a market-researched quip he turned down a debate with his father’s mortal enemy? I know it can never happen, but it is wrong that he will not spend an hour debating the subject with Saddam. Then again, he wouldn’t face Nader either.

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